Monday, August 6, 2007

on the purpose of life

it seems ironic that we can be both a cancer as well as the reprodoctive organ to the body of collective cells known as Gaea, Earth. it seems we have passed the treshhold which stands between a species' ability to be one with nature, and a species' ability to both destroy or reproduce the world.
this is the ultimate sacrifice, where everything, life itself the entire earth is at stake, all hope wrapped up in one package, the human race. For if we are able to populate the planets we will spread the life force of the earth over vast spans, effectively reproducing the earth, so it's life would have been a success. I believe that any solar system without a life giving planet would be concidered still-born, so it seems probable that others would necessarily have to exist, our being a singularity would have odds of trillions to one.

here is a thought few have pondered, what if the earth was never designed to reproduce? what if we are but a cancer, malignant cells reproducing and killing our host body? what if life from earth cannot exist beyond a certain distance from it, as the earth or sun being our remote power source, where when we exit the sphere of energy our energy is withdrawn and we are left not merely dead, but without any type of energy at all, shells unable to decompose as there would be no energy left for the bacteria to consume?

how tremendous our power must be if we have the ability to create new living organisms the size of planetary bodies, or give life to the still born planets.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

one wonders,
how is a man to judge success in life? is it how much wealth you have? Is it wether or not you have been successful at passing on your dna and have a wonderful wife and family?
or is it simply wether or not you are happy? i guess it depends on the man. Scientifically i'd say passing on your dna is the only form of realistic success in life. but as well being happy is what really truly matters, such happiness cannot be bought or found, you simply just have to learn to be happy in what ever it is your undertaking, then everything else will not matter so much.

money means nothing, time is everything, but money is time, is that not a paradox?